Once we have these basic calculations, we can focus on absorption in particular neighborhoods or price ranges. To find out what your neighborhood "absorption rate" is, call or email us for the most recent statistics. Armed with this valuable information, we will be able to advise you (our seller) on the proper pricing of your home. Once we’ve arrived at a price, you can decide whether now is the right time for you to sell given your financial needs and goals.
See the chart below to gauge your home sale (when your home is priced competitively).
Sold within: | Percentage of Homes |
1 Month | 40% |
2 Months | 7% |
3 Months | 7% |
4 Months | 20% |
5 Months | 10% |
6 Months | 7% |
7 Months | 9% |
If your property isn't sold within 30 days, a price adjustment should be made!
Statistics are based on the National average of homes sold.